home decor

Inside a stunt helicopter pilot's holiday home - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

Interior Inspiration

Inside a stunt helicopter pilot's holiday home

Fred North first fell in love with the islands from a cockpit, buying a home there in 2016 and expanding it to 13.5 acres
Bringing in a slice of the great outdoors - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Bringing in a slice of the great outdoors

Creative passive design, an eye on sustainability and sleek aesthetics blur the line between indoors and outdoors in this house

Interior Inspiration

Kick your home decor game up a gear with these knockout knick-knacks

There’s more to home decor than furnishing and fixtures — add some top-tier trinkets to elevate your interiors
Home aesthetics - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

Interior Inspiration

Home aesthetics

Home accessories like these add flair and character to your space and serve a practical purpose
Transforming an Edwardian gem - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Transforming an Edwardian gem

Revitalizing warmth in a Highgate semi-detached home by infusing Scottish charm into every detail
Exploring the power of colour - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

Interior Inspiration

Exploring the power of colour

Toshiba Haori offers a diverse colour palette, allowing individuals to express their unique style

Interior Inspiration

Crafting Instagram-worthy photos of your home

Capturing captivating Instagram photos of your home involves attention to detail and creativity.