5G enterprise
Tong's Portfolio
5G evolution and pinky promise: Back to the past, except worse …. Why?
New government policy is setting DNB up to fail.
July 11, 2024
Digital Economy
Cashing in on 5.5G
How can telcos unlock new revenue streams from next-generation networks?
March 26, 2024
5G enterprise services to present revenue opportunities to Asean telcos
5G opportunities include project-based revenues, leasing revenues, subscription revenues, and usage-based revenues: JP Morgan
July 07, 2023
Digital Economy
What's 5G role in the future of retail and manufacturing?
Organisations can develop and test 5G applications and experiences at Verizon's 5G Lab in London.
June 27, 2023
Digital Economy
How the maritime industry can set sail into the digital future with 5G
5G can help improve safety, effectiveness and efficiencies in maritime operations, but why hasn’t it been widely used?
April 26, 2023
Digital Economy
5G crucial to accelerate growth of Southeast Asia’s digital economy
Here's how Huawei is helping telcos transform networks into service enablement platforms and monetise better customer experience.
February 28, 2023
Singtel and Intel to help enterprises find an edge with 5G and MEC
Through the 5G MEC incubator, enterprises can tap into Singtel and Intel’s ecosystem to deliver their 5G use cases.
September 09, 2022
New M1-Accenture partnership focuses on 5G enterprise adoption
M1 and Accenture will co-develop solutions using 5G, IoT and edge computing with the aim of advancing Singapore’s 5G vision
April 25, 2022
Capital markets
Covid-19 accelerates interest in 5G; 52% of enterprises indicate greater interest in 5G and IoT: EY
COVID-19 will have an impact on 5G development
June 25, 2021
Broker's Calls
StarHub 'not quite in green lane yet': RHB
Amid the competition and monetisation of 5G services, Singtel remains RHB’s sector top pick at “buy” with a target price of $3.10.
April 06, 2021